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All District Honors

We received the news today that our Hannah banana was honored to be chosen All District Honorable Mention! We are so proud of her and so thankful to the One who blessed her with the ability to play the game she adores. Hannah



Varsity 2014

After both Varsity teams won Friday night, I was excited about doing a special photo session just for them! My inspiration hit and I was excited. Hannah was sweet to text all of the girls and enlisted the help of one of the varsity boys to contact his team. If everyone could come, the Varsity Photo Shoot was on! Everyone seemed excited and all but one of the guys showed up in their red jerseys for Pizza and a Photo Shoot!

We LOVED having the teams over to our home. And Studly, the Studebaker Truck, has never had so many people ever, but I think he was smiling too. But, you can hardly even see the truck.

basketball photography

The Varsity Boys: boys

And the Varsity Girls! Do you see Hannah? She is #50! Just between us, the boys nearly took up the last bit of daylight getting their pose together. Ha! I'm thankful there was light left for the girls. AND I am so grateful that the Good Lord blessed us with only a slight breeze during the group pictures. Just thirty minutes before, the wind was howling, dust was blowing, and the gusts were up to 26 miles an hour.


I put together a little slideshow for the Athletes and thought you might enjoy seeing it too! God is so good to bless me with opportunities to do something special and fun...and from what I've heard, they enjoyed it too!


She's Playing Basketball!

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She's Playing Basketball!

Basketball season is here! And after a fantastic game Friday night it was time for a quick photo shoot with our baby girl!  We are so proud of her heart, her determination, the way she plays the game she adores, and honors the One who blessed her with this gift in the process.  


In Friday's game, she had 10 points, 3 slams, and several rebounds.  And the best part?  She was smiling on the court again which thrilled this heart of mine!  (Well, maybe not quite smiling in the shot below, but I love that she shot over her defender....and it went in!) 002web

She had 4 fouls in that game too. I only agree with two of the fouls...but I'm her mother so you know I'm right. Ha!


The game was intense! Our girls were coming off of a two game losing streak and this team was rumored to be great! Our girls have never lost to this team EVER and were determined to take it to the hoop! And they did.

In the last quarter, Hannah was fouled and on the line for two (the girl defending Hannah fouled out at this point) and she swished both of them to tie the game! Tie the game!! Thank you Jesus, for enabling!

The last minute seemed to drag on for 15 minutes it seemed but finally our girls won the game by one point! 50-49!!! And we all cheered as if we had just won the National Championship game. What a game!

It was incredible to see the girls play like the team we have known them to be for years. They have another game tonight and we will be cheering them on to victory. Go Lady Buffs!!!

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