Whew! Homecoming came and went just as quickly as the calendar pages seem to be turned. How are we already in the middle of October? Hannah was absolutely stunning in her dress. Speaking of the dress, oh God was so, so good! We had her dress flown in from New York (it's not at all expensive as that sounds. There were no red dresses anywhere in Texas that were both beautiful and modest) and the dress arrived two day, TWO DAYS before homecoming! Thankfully, the dress fit and looked as if it were made just for her. In my book, it really was. Nothing is impossible with God....even dresses and all of the details matter to Him because it matters to His child. I love that!
Hannah and three of her friends were Homecoming Queen Nominees. As always, I was there both as a mom and the school photographer to capture pictures of the "crowning." What I didn't know was that Hannah had written an incredible letter to me....and they read it over the PA system. Each daughter had written a note to their mom and the announcer carefully read each one while our girls took their places on the track.
I sobbed! SOBBED! I hardly captured any images but I took in every word our precious daughter said to me. What a precious, precious memory! Brooke was crowned the Homecoming Queen but Hannah will forever be Queen of our Hearts...and we could not be more proud of the beautiful young lady she is becoming. This momma bird isn't ready for her baby bird to fly the nest just yet even though she is already soaring!
The images where Hannah is in the polka dot dress were during the Homecoming Pep Rally. The guy on her left is Nathan, um...her boyfriend. He is also a senior and plays varsity football. Not only did he give Hannah the most beautiful Homecoming Mum, he also sent her white daisies (her favorite) with a card telling her that regardless of the outcome of the vote, she would always be his queen. So sweet!
And the other images are of Hannah being escorted by her daddy. Doesn't she look stunning? And her daddy looks so proud.
And then Hannah with her sweaty football boyfriend. Ha! He played a great game but sadly, they lost.

The Queen nominees with Brooke for a fun image. Have I shared Hannah's mum pictures with you yet? I'm not sure that I have, so I'll add a few here. Her mum was gorgeous!

And her cousin wanted a picture with Hannah too. It was wear Red for Spirit Day. His morph suit was epic!