Our Rachel came home from college this weekend and we were all sooooooooooo happy to see her. Our family of four was reunited and it never felt so good! We have certainly missed having our girls all to ourselves and it was just what this heart of mine needed. My cup was full and I treasured every moment.
Rachel joined her daddy and I on the sidelines Friday night to capture pictures of the football boys and the band. Hannah is the Drum Major for the second year in a row. I turned around for a second to see Rachel saying hello to her sister in the stands. I love this image so much! From a photographer's perspective, it's technically way off, the color balance is off, and it's underexposed big time, but as a mom, it was a moment I didn't want to miss capturing and I treasure it! It shows the special sister relationship our girls are blessed to have and we are blessed to watch. I love the image but love these two daughters of ours even more. What joy is ours to be their parents!
Thinking about this image, it makes me think of our Heavenly Father and how He sees us....sees the real us. We aren't picture perfect all of the time (or even much of the time if we are honest) and our lives certainly aren't picture perfect either, but He loves us and even treasures us. We are the apple of His eye....what a blessed thought!