Happy New Year Mod Squad!!!
Are you ready to see YOUR Mod Squad images??? I am sooooooo ready for you to see them...so let's make a party out of it Make sure you read everything on this page for all of the details.
Join us Monday evening, January 16th from 6-7:30 pm at the Studio. You will see YOUR fabulous images from our Mod Squad Sessions and we have a gift for you too!!!! Bring your family and friends. Speaking of friends:
We know your friends have been watching your Model Sessions all year long. We get messages and snaps from them telling us they want to experience what you experienced. Love that! They want to sparkle and shine too. So, figure out your top ten friends (or more) WHO WILL BE SENIORS NEXT YEAR and send them this invite (yes, you can screenshot it).
→→With your VIP invitation to the Reveal Party, if they come, they will receive early access to apply for next year's Mod Squad '18 Team!
→→If they sign in using YOUR name, you may earn yourself a VIP Modeling Session in....LAS VEGAS!!!!
What???! I'm totally serious. We hinted about it this summer and its nearly here. We will be flying one lucky model (and a guardian at the guardian's expense) to Las Vegas on Friday, afternoon, February 24th for a dream session in the Las Vegas desert. YES!!! There are two incredible locations that we plan to visit. I'm working with a few other photographers who may join us as well. So exciting!!!
Details: February 24th-26th. We pay for your flights, hotel, and you will have a meal allowance too. You must bring a parent/guardian (their flights are not included).
HOW CAN I GO? Hopefully, you paid careful attention to our Model Requirements at the beginning of the year. The winner of the Las Vegas Modeling Session is based on points...but they are easy to get and they really add up. The Model with the most "points" by the end of the Reveal Party on January 16th, wins the dream session!
Here are the points:
50 points if you have already met your $750 minimum order requirement
25 points if you have already shared us on social media a minimum of 3 times and tagged us before January 1, 2017
15 points if you share a bts from your senior session, your favorite image, etc on social media this at least once this week and at least once next week (30 points total if you do this both weeks). Make sure you TAG us so we know!
20 points if you come to the Reveal Party
10 points for every Class of 2018 Junior who comes to the Reveal Party and signs in using your name! We know you have many mutual friends, so send your invite to them first, or better yet, bring them with you to the Reveal Party!
10 points for mentioning us on Snapchat and sending us a screenshot.
25 points if you wear your Mod Squad shirt to school, take a selfie, and post it on IG and tag us in it
50 points if a Class of 2017 Senior books one of our remaining sessions this spring and uses your name.
The Las Vegas Dream Session is yours for the taking. Ready? Set? Let the games begin. Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see who will be going with me to Las Vegas!!!
And don't worry....Mod Squad '17 is not over. I still have a few more sessions coming soon!
Here are our mood boards:
Makeup: very neutral but with smokey eyes and long lashes. If you have great false eyelashes, they might be fun for this shoot.
Hair: very Coachella inspired, flowey, wavey, a few feathers or a few braids perhaps, the wind will be our friend this session.
Clothing: We want to keep this very neutral like the images above. Think flowey, lacey....use what you have or borrow from friends.
Jewelry: Layered bracelets/bangles, big rings, necklaces that could be used as headbands too.
Shoes: Unless the sand is unbearably hot, we will mostly be barefoot but bring sandals. If you want an edgy look, you could bring boots.
Cannot wait!!!