We are over the moon excited that you are part of our Mod Squad '18, Model Team and sooooo ready to get started!!!
→→→DOWNLOAD the Band App (it's like Groupme but has more options). Our group may be found here: http://band.us/n/aba7UfU3zcRfx
This app will be the easiest way to quickly send updates etc. We would like for parents and Models to use our private "Band."
→→→Pay Minimum Order Requirement by June 1st:
All of our Senior Sessions require a $750 Minimum Order. ALL $750 will be fully applied at your individual Senior VIP Ordering Session. Remember, it doesn't cost anything to be part of Mod Squad, this is concerning your Senior VIP Session.
Now for the FUN:
Updated: Sunday, August 13th at my house at 5:00 We are doing 2 themed shoots: True Beauty and Party in the USA (back to school session will follow)
Our address is 3423 County Road B2240 in Stanton:
(google maps doesn't think we exist) So from Midland, take the 2nd Stanton exit, you will see Stripes Convenience Store in front of you,
turn left to go under I-20, go 1/4 of a mile north (towards Lamesa),
turn right in to Northridge Estates, go all the way to the curve of the cul-de-sac, our home is the 2nd house from the left (red brick with a black door).
Please, come dressed for the Project True Beauty shoot and bring your outfit for the USA Shoot. Here is what you need:
True Beauty:
Perfection....it's impossible to achieve but yet magazines, social media, and society seem to expect us to be perfect! But, God created you in His image! Seriously, He did! So, why try to be anything but what He has designed you to be?! You are created for a purpose, His thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand (I've been to many oceans, and that is a tremendous amount of sand!). So, if we are created in His image, created for His good purpose, why are we striving to be what society calls "perfect" or "normal?" Why fit in when you were made to Shine for Him?
THIS photo session is all about True Beauty! YOUR true beauty! So, I'm asking you to put on your big girl panties, be BRAVE, and shine!
For this Session:
What to Wear: Keep it simple! This isn't about fashion, it's all about you! Please wear a plain white shirt/tshirt (no writing/logos, etc) and jeans or shorts or your favorite white flowy dress (nothing fancy, just something you love). And we will kick off our shoes for these portraits.
Makeup: Here comes the brave part....no makeup for this session. It's all about embracing fabulous YOU. We all have flaws or rather issues we see about ourselves when we look in the mirror that nobody else sees. * IF this totally freaks you out, put on some mascara, foundation if you must, and natural lip gloss (EVERYONE should wear chap stick). But that's it! (Bring your makeup with you for the USA shoot if you like).
Hair: Since we will have our Team USA session right after this one, you will want to fix your hair BUT, feel free to do loose curls, or straight, messy buns, etc. Anything that is easy to do for both sessions (there will not be time to do major hair changes between our themed sessions).
Nails: Totally up to you. If you normally wear dark polish or light, go for it. BUT please, no chipped nails...we are embracing our flaws but not chipped nails. Ha!
This image was taken by my friend and fellow photographer in the industry. Just to give you an idea of the look.
Party in the USA Session: Yes, it's happening right after our True Beauty session. We promised you ONE Mod Squad Session, but most of you will already have TWO with more dates already planned.
Here is the mood board for the look we want (but in red/white/blue colors only):
Remember: We don't require you to go out and buy outfits for your Model Sessions. If you need an excuse, by all means, but it's way more fun to shop your closet or a friend's closet. You probably already have the outfit!
You just need to wear:
* red/white/blue colors
*cowboy boots would be fun but feel free to wear converse if you like. Sandals are ok but we will be in our field that has stickers
*if you have a cute hat or headband or bandana to match that's great
*your hair can be down or in a pony tail or pig tails
*red lips!
*make sure your nails are not chipped if they are painted
*if you have a guitar please bring it
Text your outfit to me in our "Band Group"
Our Schedule:
*10:00-Meet at my house dressed and ready for Project True Beauty (bring your Party in the USA outfits and makeup)
*10:00-11:30 Project True Beauty Session (after your portrait, you may change in to your Party in the USA outfit and makeup)
*11:30-12:30 Party in the USA Session in our field.
A few other things:
Bring your cell phones (Duh!) We want you to snapchat behind the scenes...and your friends do too. It's always fun!
Come ready to have fun!
Spring Duo Mini Sessions (several are asking). This isn't part of Mod Squad but it is a benefit as you have priority booking and first choice before we release the information to the public. We will be in Dallas March 10th & 11th. For those who have already paid the $100 Session Fee, or you can add the Session Fee using the Add to Cart button, we will let you know what time to meet us there. There is a $100 Session Fee if reserved by June 1st, ($200 after June 1st).
No, you don't have to do your Spring Duo Session in Dallas, but the flowers in this location are incredible. Spring Duo Session details:
You can choose to meet us in Dallas or have your session in Stanton and you may choose between 5 digitals or 10 digitals. Spring Duo Sessions are perfect for 2 outfits only....normally one prom dress and your college t-shirt, but it's really up to you. Certainly, if you want to add another full session in Dallas instead with 3-5 outfit changes and a one to two hour session , please let us know so that we may make arrangements timing wise.