One week ago today we celebrated Columbus Day and finally had a much needed day off from school.  Yay!! Rachel was home for the three day weekend and we were all happily back together under one roof.  How about that Baylor/TCU game.  Wow!   That was the Big 12 Championship Game, I am convinced.  What a game!!! Anyway, being the good teacher that I am {sigh!}, I scheduled my annual mammogram on our day off instead of having to take a day off during the school week.  Yay me (hear the sarcasm in my typing?).  I won't go into any kind of details, but thankfully everything looked great and I don't have to come back for another year.  Yay!

A sweet friend of mine sent me this image to encourage me.  It cracked me up!!

So, so funny!  {Sorry Dad if you are reading my blog today}.

After the torture chamber, I met my girls for a delicious lunch and a little shopping.  We visited Miss Casey's Christmas store.  So, so fun!  Now this is a fun way to spend a day off from school! Hannah took our selfie.  Love these girls of mine so very much!

We found a few special gifts but I can't share them here (love you, Mom).  And we may have rearranged the TCU ornaments that were on the top shelf and the Baylor ornaments were on the bottom.  Seriously?!  I don't think the Baylor ornaments are on the bottom any longer....just saying.  :-)  And then we had some more fun at Starbucks.  I even made a new friend. Ha!

miss caseys Christmas store, shopping fun with my girls
